Fear is an EMOTION, it is not rational. To resolve fear, you must work on the UNCONSCIOUS level. Two ways of doing this are CORE TRANSFORMATION and WHOLENESS WORK.
“I haven’t slept in 20 years,” she said, my new client, Jennifer, a woman in her early 40s.
“Of course, she must sleep some,” I thought to myself – we need sleep in order to survive. But clearly, she hadn’t slept nearly enough and probably not very well.
The original program of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was to provide therapists ways to use language to correct the over-generalizations, distortions, and deletions in their clients’ models of the world so as to expand their choices in living lives free of pain, anxiety, fears, and suffering. Connirae Andreas’s development of Wholeness Work has shown us a way to resolve the “knots” in our neurology, in more direct and effective ways, enabling us to “awaken and live with ease."
Finding more hypnosis, finally training and becoming a hypnotherapist myself. then more training, more experience, including Core Transformation, pain control, and PTSD.