Posts tagged with "nlp"

Anxiety and Stress · 16. September 2024
Fear is an EMOTION, it is not rational. To resolve fear, you must work on the UNCONSCIOUS level. Two ways of doing this are CORE TRANSFORMATION and WHOLENESS WORK.

Medical · 27. November 2020
Working with an 85-year-old woman recovering from a stroke, I had her visualize lifting her wrist, over and over again, until finally it moved!

Hypnosis Per Se · 30. March 2020
If you are stressed or worried in these terrible times, you may want to consider doing a few sessions with me online. I am a hypnotherapist and Spiritual Life Coach. I guide clients to resolve their short- and longer-term issues, so they can live their lives fully.

The original program of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was to provide therapists ways to use language to correct the over-generalizations, distortions, and deletions in their clients’ models of the world so as to expand their choices in living lives free of pain, anxiety, fears, and suffering. Connirae Andreas’s development of Wholeness Work has shown us a way to resolve the “knots” in our neurology, in more direct and effective ways, enabling us to “awaken and live with ease."

Anxiety and Stress · 28. July 2015
The following is a brief summary of a 4-day NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) training, “Resolving PTSD," with Steve Andreas. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD – stems from a traumatic event or events which was directly or indirectly experienced. Symptoms may include flashbacks, disturbing and recurrent dreams, avoidance, negative thinking and moods, hyper-vigilance, feelings of estrangement from others, aggressive and/or self-destructive behaviors. "… an exposure to a terrifying...

Self-Concept · 21. July 2015
I am at The Little Bakery with my friend, Marlena, for one of our time-to-time lunches. Outside it is typical August weather, hot and steamy. I think of other times we have been here: cold and icy; pouring down rain; looking out at exquisitely colored trees on a crisp, clear fall day. Today I’m glad to be inside, where it’s cool.

With the Wholeness process, there is a natural and immediate integration with daily living. Our life issues can actually be doorways to the experience of this “vast self” spoken of – or just a sense of affectionate presence and clarity. And the life issues are transformed in the process. — Steve Andreas This is a transcript of an actual session using Wholeness.

Relationships · 13. July 2015
Is it possible to be hypnotized to completely forget another person (such as your ex)? Even if it is, this might not be such a good idea.

Relationships · 10. July 2015
Nearly everyone has the ability to view a relationship or situation from the perspective of another person, to imagine what that other is seeing, hearing, feeling, and thinking. In fact, we do this all the time – we are continually assessing others’ states of mind, their intentions, what they might say or do next. It’s a mostly unconscious process, a faculty we are born with and continue to develop as we grow.

How To Get Unstuck
Anxiety and Stress · 25. June 2015
Imagine yourself, just for a moment, totally free of everything and anything that is holding you back. Imagine a you that is completely ready, willing and able to get more out of life. If you can do that, you are on your way.

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