Stop Smoking Bethesda
You know that cigarettes cause cancer, right? But do you know that there are dozens of toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke, most of them added? Why are they added, you ask? I can’t say for sure, but the reasons probably include shelf life, evenness of burning, taste, and (to be cynical) to help absorption of nicotine.
If you are stressed or worried in these terrible times, you may want to consider doing a few sessions with me online. I am a hypnotherapist and Spiritual Life Coach. I guide clients to resolve their short- and longer-term issues, so they can live their lives fully.
Body building involves more than physical actions – it also requires a particular mindset that enables the person to stick to his/her fitness routines. Developing this mindset is something that not everyone does, so not everyone becomes successful at building their muscles.
It’s a bright, relatively warm day in early December; I’m having lunch with my friend Marlena (of “But I Don’t FEEL Sixty …” fame) at the Little Bakery Café.
In 50s comic books, there were ads for a book, HOW TO GET GIRLS WITH HYPNOSIS - every adolescent boy's dream, right, to use hypnosis to seduce women. But the message in the book was a little different: learn "SA Hypnosis" (self-hypnosis) and work on yourself!
I was sure I would recognize Wendi when she came in, and I did; she smiled at my wave, walked briskly over and sat down. She looked trim and fit, wearing black slacks, a silvery top, and a small jacket. I half expected her to say, in her low hypnotic voice, “Hello, I’m Wendi Friesen,” as she does at the beginning of her recordings (establishing rapport from the jump). But of course that was unnecessary – we knew one another, though this was the first time we had met in person.
Finding more hypnosis, finally training and becoming a hypnotherapist myself. then more training, more experience, including Core Transformation, pain control, and PTSD.
I have been interested in hypnosis since I was a child. I used to watch Smilin’ Ed’s Gang on TV (later Andy’s Gang, after Smilin’ Ed McConnell died and Andy Devine took over), starting around age 7. There, “Froggy the Gremlin,” that irascible puppet, would introduce the day’s story, one of several serials. (Froggy could be very disrespectful to adults; he has been blamed for the youth rebellion of the 60s, though I doubt that all of it was his fault.)